openBC sketches (1)

This is my first draft for the openBC design. What i did is just arranging the contents as i would like them to be and getting rid of all decoration, as far as possible.

The layout grid is pretty standard. Logo and navigation stay where they are, there is a meta navigation at the top right containing secondary functions and a teaser column at the right hand side. in the main area below the navigation there is all the dashboard content like the welcome blurb, inbox etc.

I used only the openBC colors blue and orange. Regarding typography, i increased the font size for headlines and text. Everything what is linked is orange (except the navigation, thats bad, but it would have been too much orange).

Anyone who is interested may feel free to download the psd file (1.7MB) and reuse the design. Some rights reserved.

Ok, it’s not rocket science so far;) But i think a lot of openBC people would be happy to have a dashboard like this. What it needs next is some visual tweaks. The navigation is ugly and buttons and teaser boxes are boring. And what about the logo?